Register Now

Welcome to our VBS registration page! This page is simply some tips and instructions to help you as you register your kids for VBS this year - there is a link below to go register. First of all, some general information:

  • VBS will take place daily from June 9th through June 12th from 6:45 to 8:45pm
  • VBS is for kids who have completed 1st through 6th grade
  • We will be taking some pictures and video during the course of these 4 days simply to be able to look back at past events as well as to advertise for upcoming VBS events. During registration, you will be asked to give your consent for your child to be part of those videos and photos. If you would like for your child not to be included in the photos and videos, this would be where you can indicate that choice.
  • It will likely be warm and we will be outside (weather permitting) - please make sure your kid(s) dress accordingly!
Tips for everyone

Whether you attend New Life regularly or this is your interaction with us, the registration process will start by asking you for a phone number which will be used as your primary contact phone number, but it will also send a verification code to that number, so please make sure you have your phone handy for that step in the process.

first time families

First of all, welcome! We're so glad that you're planning to participate in Vacation Bible School with us this year! As you register, the process will work to collect some baseline information about your family, and more specifically, your kid(s) that will be joining us in June. Starting with your email address, the process may take you to a screen where it has a dove and 3 links rather than the registration page. If it does this, please click on the "Signups" link and then the image for Go For the Gold and then the "Register" button. (Technology, am I right?)

From there, it will ask you to indicate your team selections for the week - this happens before it will ask you about the kids you are registering. When you click the next button, it will ask you to select which person from your household will be participating in each of the teams you indicated. In the dropdown that asks you to select a person, there is an option to "add a new person" - this is where you can tell us about who you're registering for that team. Once you've provided the basic information and answered the photo release question, you can proceed to the next step in the registration process. This step will ask a few more specific questions about the kids being registered, but this is the last part where we ask for information.

We look forward to meeting you during VBS!

New life families

There's a strong chance that because of the sign in process we use regularly, your number will be recognized and it will invite you to sign in using just your phone number. At this point, you should also see any kids that you've checked in on a Sunday or a Wednesday who you can register for any of the available teams for VBS. You will also have the option to add a child to your family if needed (this includes if your child is bringing a friend - we record the friend as part of your household). Some of the instructions above will apply if you are registering a new child for the first time, so please take a look at the section above if this is the case.